May is the archway to 2017

Quote of the month

‘May 2017 holds the key to your overall success. It is the archway to inspiration, the causeway to motivation and the doorway to aspiration. It is the expressway to circumvent your inhibitions, it is the entrance way to glory and the passageway to endless opportunities.’

White Rabbit! White Rabbit! White Rabbit! Welcome to the first day of May celebrated throughout the world as a Bank Holiday. May holds the key to your success throughout the remaining part of 2017. In the almanac of events, May precedes June. Therefore it enables us to gauge our weaknesses and our strengths too. Our weaknesses can be clearly seen reflected in the alleyway of constant mistakes. Like waste disposal bins littering the sidewalk, our errs in life become our scares in life. What can we do in the remaining months of 2017 as we stand in the Archway of May? We can back away but this will only frustrate us. We can find some leeway and move forward with caution. Sadly, we can as most do become a tearaway sort of person, I don’t recommend that. My recommendation is as follows:

Dear Friends, I want you to stand still in the archway of May and make some important choices, choices that will change your life for the common good. We all err, we all show some signs of a flare, we all sometimes want to dare someone or maybe stare at someone or even scare them. Why do we do it? We do it because we are constantly making mistakes but cannot acknowledge that we do and prefer to blame some else for it. You should not bring your efforts that you already made since the beginning of the year to a halt. You worked hard and bored the traumas of life that awaited you thus far. You are now a month away from midway. It will be June next month. Suddenly your gallant efforts to reduce weight is slowly falling to pieces. Your commitment to consolidate your debts is slowly falling apart. Your relationship is on the brink despite your efforts to make things work out. This is the archway of May that I am referring to. It is an archway that constantly reminds you to persevere. If you have fallen back, I say onto you and verily too, relax and a take a breather. You are now standing at the archway of May. It is an archway of Inspiration, you have my word on that. You need to absorb this inspiration because it will uplift you. As you slowly tread into this hallway of magnificence you will find the causeway to motivation. Some will see it immediately, others will see it later on. Inspiration gives you faith, motivation gives you courage. If you can comprehend this statement then your faith is strong. As you understand the blunders you accrued and the inhibitions that make you want to give up you will want to move on or start again. This decision is the bravest decision you will ever make. As the days pass you more opportunities will await you because your faith is growing stronger. You will see them as you grow and grow and let bygones be bygones. If you are willing to acknowledge your mistakes then you are on the road to recovery. Remember when you err, polarise and turn it into a repair. Let us make this into a memorable quote.

Bonus Quote

‘When you err, polarise it by turning it into a repair. The thoroughfare from an error to a repair is the most memorable road you will ever tread with care.’

The next opportunity is the expressway to circumvent your inhibitions. In this expressway, there are friends to help you make amends.

Bonus Quote

‘At the expressway to circumvent your inhibitions, you will always find friends to help you make amends.’

They will guide you to the entrance way that shows you the glory of your life. When you see this door, you will be reminded of something important.

Previous Quote

‘Start your day with a prayer and end it sincerely with gratitude.’

Now that you got your affairs in order the passageway to endless opportunities resumes. You can end something or start something. You can repair an error with a sense of positivity. You need to maintain your faith and let go of the hate.

Bonus Quote

‘You need to ascend the ladder of success rather than descend liberally down the bladder of failure.’

Bonus Quote

‘Dear Friends, always amend rather than defend. Start by setting a noble trend, by watching how you spend.’

Do the following as well. When a friend helps you to make amends you need to give something in return. Recommend that friend to someone else. Don’t offend that friend because he or she was a godsend. Don’t pretend to be unappreciative, send a word of thanks. So, when things fall to pieces learn to pick up the pieces. May your efforts in May be rewarded with success upon success.

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